Tuesday, 4 October 2016


Fall is a time to watch the seasons change. It is now cooler and all the leaves are falling off the trees. Our children are curious as to why the trees are bare. They notice all the leaves on the ground. It covers the whole front playground. Leaving no path to be seen.

" I push it."
Problem solving is what this child displays by gathering the leaves together in the wagon.

"I got lots of leaves."
Large muscle and physical activity is what this child displays.

The children helped to collect and rake the leaves. These girls were so engrossed in gathering leaves. Using their hands to pick the leaves and raking them into a big pile.

The children cherish the moment by relaxing on their mound of leaves.

"Look a BIG leaf."
This child discovers the various shapes and sizes of leaves

Leaves are fun to play with because
We can burry ourselves.
We can throw it in the air.
We can hear the leaves crunch under our footsteps.
We can jump into a big pile. 
We can see the many different autum colors.

Have fun with leavesπŸ‚πŸπŸƒ

Written by: miss Santillan πŸ™‹πŸ»

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