Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Milk crate construction

Recently we got some milk crates for the Adventure playground. There a great tool for children to build and create with. On this day they decided to work together and build a house.
"I have big muscles so I can lift my block really high."


Even though some of the children were a little smaller then others then didn't let it stop them from stacking the crates. After giving it some thought she says" 'I'll go up here so I can reach." The staff stands close by in case she needs a hand. 
"I did it. I made a wall."

The all worked together to stack the blocks leaving room for doorways and windows. Some even decided to make little seating areas in the walls so they could have a quite space to sit.

 "We can fit three of us."
"We can even sit here with our babies."

The construction continued for the whole morning with children coming and going. Some came to check out the house while others came and added to it.

Written by Mrs. Balharry 🙋🏻

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